Reviews are in... The
boaters have spoken and Eldean Shipyard is the right marina for
your slip, storage, and maintenance needs. A little positive feedback
appears below.
love positive feedback! However, we also appreciate constructive
criticism; it helps us improve and has made Eldean Shipyard what
it is today.
Customers- A few nice notes that we've received... |
- "You know... You guys really do a great job. I really enjoy being at Eldeans. It's worth everything. The harbor and the environment remind me so much about the Chesapeake where I first learned to sail. Thanks so much again!" (John E-18)
- "Just a quick note to thank you all (Herb, Matt,
Wade, Angela, Dick, Rob, etc) for a wonderful time my
family and I had spending the first summer on our boat
at Eldean Shipyard. My Family looks forward to spending
many more summers together with your family. You truly
make it a very warm and pleasurable place to be dwith
friends and family. Too often, all we tend to hear about
is the negative. Well, from my experience, the manner
and care with which you run your family owned operation
is exactly how it's suppose to be done. Keep it up and
don't change a thing." (Bob, D-28)
- "What a beautiful marina to slip our boat!! We've
been slip holders for the last twelve summers--each
is better than the previous! Thanks for providing such
a spectacular place of beauty, and amazing destination
for boaters on the lakeshore! Another great summer at
the marina comes to a close....Oh how I hate to see it
end!! Thanks for having the most beautiful place on Lake
Michigan- with the nicest crew on the planet, awesome
facilities, magnificent landscaping, ...and the best
restaurant to dine at - with the greatest chef & wait
staff, all for our enjoyment!! Absolutely fabulous!!!
You sure do it up right!!!! Thank you!!!" (C-51)
- Eldean's in Holland on Lake Macatawa is one of the nicest
marinas anywhere on the Great Lakes. Believe me, that
is not an exaggeration or an understatement. Beautiful
Flower Gardens and landscaped grounds, Pool, Hot Tubs,
Club House, Extremely Clean Showers (the showers and facilities
in our bath house are floor to ceiling ceramic tiled;
nicer than most homes) and Laundry. All of this in a Full
Service Marina with Travel Lift and Yard services. Beautiful
docks (fixed) all a short distance form the main channel
and within easy access to the big lake. Fuel and pump
out docks. Well staffed with friendly and experienced
crew. Many of our dock neighbors are from Grand Rapids.
Take a look at their website by following the below link....You
will not find anything nicer anywhere in Western Michigan...
- We're on Lake Erie but went to Eldean's when we were
boat shopping. It's top notch, and the setting is idyllic.
I don't recall seeing a nicer marina (that wasn't a private
club) on the Great Lakes, and we went all over while boat
shopping, including Chicago and Toronto. (Posted on Sailnet.com
by garymcg)
- "Wade, Thanks again for checking out the strange
alarm that was going off on our boat. It is reassuring
to know that you are looking out for us. Eldean’s
once again earns our loyalty!" (Bob and Anne, D-16)
- "Again, thanks for another awesome season! The
party last night was a blast! The food was amazing--as
usual!! Totally enjoyed the boating season at the marina!!
Thanks for everything you do to create a little piece
of paradise here on earth for us boaters!! Looking forward
to 2010!!! Blessings to you all!! :)" (C-51)
- "Thanks Everyone!! You Made our first year at your
Marina - UNFORGETABLE! Matt, Wade and all your Dock &
Store Staff, Thank You!" (C-46)
- "This first class shipyard offers a complete shipstore
and a full service marina. This is one of the finest facilities
you will ever visit." (International
Mumm 30 Organization)
- "Eldean's Staff, Please accept our little gift
of home made Egg Rolls. Just a simple gesture for making
last summer one of our BEST summers we've had. Thanks
for the memories! Len, Christie and Kids" (B-19)
- "My wife and I so enjoyed our stay at Eldean Shipyard
last summer, that we recommended that the Cruising Fleet
of the Milwaukee Yacht Club make your place our destination
this coming summer." -Dean
- "This entire summer has been a terrific boating
experience. We have been continually impressed with your
staff, facility and the community of boaters. Your entire
family should be very proud of the reputation and facility
you have developed. We will leave the boat here this winter
and be back next summer!" (C-39)
- "The marina is top notch in terms of service, cleanliness
and esthetics. You have great taste in architecture, and
the flowers and other landscaping are beautiful! ...Sunday's
picnic/party was a lot of fun. We appreciate all the hard
work that you and your staff put into this event. It helps
give the marina a stronger sense of community. ...Brandon
(The Shipstore Manager) has been especially helpful to
us as we rigged a spinnaker for our boat. All of your
Shipstore staff have been very pleasant to work with."
- "July 10 we leave for Holland, with flat seas and
no wind since we arrived in Michigan. Holland is on Lake
Macatawa and we stayed at Eldean Shipyard Marina. It has
excellent restaurant, pool, hot tub, the cleanest showers/rest
rooms on the lake and a nice ships store. The best marina
on the lake!!!" (Verbraken
-web blog)
- "Last week my wife and I had occasion to vacation
with friends aboard their sailboat at your facility. While
I have bee too many Boat Clubs, Marinas, Private &
Public moorings I must tell you that I was very impressed
with yours. The scale and caliber of your facilities,
the cleanliness and beauty of the grounds was very impressive.
We also had a number of meals in your Piper Restaurant
and these also were exceptional. We were impressed enough
that we changed our plan choosing to day sail returning
to your dock each night, as we were sure no other harbor
would offer better accommodations. Thank you and your
staff for adding to what was a very special time."
(Friends of A-16)
- Part of its (Macatawa's) charm comes from its history
as a port of prominence for upper-class summer resorts.
Then recently the port was a commercial fishing area but
not anymore. Today’s focus is on waterskiing, jetskiiing,
sailing and sport fishing.Very friendly staff at the Eldean
shipyard marina plus ultra-modern, very, very, clean facilities.
We had the best pizza ever at the Piper restaurant-special
crust, wood-roasted tomato sauce, and five cheese blend
and then we added bacon, pepperoni, green olives and mushrooms.
We rode our bikes a good eight miles along South Shore
Drive past beautiful homes on Lake Macatawa. We then walked
to the lighthouse at the entrance to the harbor. (Smokin'
Fish Lures - web blog)
- "Dear Eldeans Family, I just wanted to let you
all know what a wonderful time we always have in Holland
at your marina. We have traveled through many ports but
we always come back to Holland. Thank you for making us
feel welcome!" -The Phillips
- "It was a pleasure spending the summer at Eldean
Shipyard. Our family continues to enjoy all of the facilities
and your staff has been courteous, supportive, and friendly.
We will most certainly return again next year. As work
becomes demanding and family times a premium, mooring
at the Shipyard has a great deal of meaning for us. We
appreciate your efforts and the efforts of your staff
to make our stay the positive experience it is. Warmest
regards, Jack and Cindy B."
- "Dear Wade and Matt: On behalf of Judy and myself
I want to say that we have thoroughly enjoyed our years
at the Shipyard and are grateful to the entire Eldean
crew for the courtesy and competence that has been a part
of our experience there. We wish you and Herb and Roger
the very best , and perhaps when my wife's hankering to
see the world has run its course, We will be back begging
for another slip and resuming the lifestyle we have liked
so well." Fred (Formerly E-20)
Our Service Department -
We get it done right, Guaranteed! |
- RE: Better than past boatyards: As I mentioned the varnishing and the hull look great. I have to tell you when my wife called me while on the boat and I told her about the job well done and hre exat words were: 'I'm so happy to hear that! This is the first time I have heard you say nice things about work done by a boatyard.' I had shuch a bad experience at the other place! Just had to pass that along." -Eric
- RE: Second to None: Thanks Matt, As usual, the staff and service department at Eldean's is second to none. You guys have been great this year and your efforts have not gone unnoticed. I tell everybody I know that Eldeans' is the "Best on the Great Lakes". -Tim Z-46
- RE: Top of the line Staff: "Matt, I wasn’t able to see you before I left. You really have a great boatyard, I travel all over the world and I have to say that the facility and people at Eldean’s are top of the line. Great work." - Peter
- RE: Confidence in Our Team: "As I told John I go to a lot of yards and no BS , it is the rare yard that I get the feeling that the personnel have a similar “Give a Shit” factor as I share. I have the utmost confidence in you and your people and look forward to many years of working together on his new 64" - Bob (Bob is a respected boat dealer and has been around the block a time or two)
- RE: Rigging & other work: "This is a bit late, but I just wanted to let you know what a great experience it was staying at your facility in late May/early June. All the folks we came in contact with (Randy in maintenance, Dennis and James in rigging, etc) were all true professionals and very accomodating when it came to answering my questions. As a matter of fact, the experience was a little TOO good. Eldean Shipyard has become the yardstick by which Brenda and I measure our experiences with other marinas. So far not one has come close. Please express my thanks and gratitude to everyone there for a job and customer service well done." -Bob (Bob purchased a boat through Holland Yacht Sales and sailed the boat out of Macatawa for a few weeks before shipping it to the East Coast).
- RE: New Boat Delivery by Regal Yachts:
"And let me just say (and not because I know they
are reading this post) what a pleasure it was working
with the great staff at Eldean. I was asked by Matt Eldean
how their yard stacked up against the other yards that
I have delivered these yachts to. I told Matt that they
were definitely in the top two and then I revised that
to the number one slot. You may be wondering why I did
that. First let me say that I was not paid off in any
form or fashion especially in the form of some of those
great Eldean Shipyard shirts they have for sale in their
ships store (size XL by the way) ahem…
It simply comes down to this: We have never worked with
their staff before and of course their staff had never
worked with us on a project like this. It was a testament
to their focus on customer service even when their customer,
namely me, kept changing the delivery date of this yacht.
Another and much clearer example would be that two hours
after we started to unwrap the yacht it was in the water
and I was moving it into its slip. TWO HOURS! That’s
about as well as we do with the yard we frequently work
with at Cape Canaveral, that being Cape Marina. If
you, the readers of this post, ever find yourselves in
Holland, Michigan I would strongly recommend that you
stop by the Eldean Shipyard because it is, of course,
much more than the name implies. From the people and staff
to the surrounding area with the scenic waters of Macatawa
Bay and Lake Michigan it is a beautiful place to spend
a few hours, days, or months. At least until it starts
snowing." -Capt. Patrick from Regal *Click
here for the full post
- RE: Rigging and Haulout - - - "...I
would not be complete without citing the skill, knowledge
and care that Dennis and James have exhibited at the rigging
dock. What a great pair of professionals to put my rig
together annually. Dick, of course, made my life so easy
when it came to launch and haul. The three of them made
these transitions of season easy and fun. You understandably
take pride in all of this, I'm sure. I will miss them.
Eldean Shipyard is the best on the lake. I thank you personally
for bringing it all together" -Ivan
- RE: A Manufacturer's Visit:
"You really have a great boatyard, I travel
all over the world and I have to say that the facility
and people at Eldean’s are top of the line."
-Peter from Hall Spars & Rigging
- RE: Boat Assembly, Preparation, Loading &Transport
- - - "Again, thank you for you and your staff's
hard work and efforts on our behalf. It was a pleasure
dealing with Eldean Shipyard. One last compliment, Eldean
Shipyard maybe the first and only yard we have been to
that was spotlessly clean. We try to maintain our own
facilities in that condition and appreciate how difficult
it can be." -Jim
- RE: Refinishing (Varnish) and Boat Storage
- - - "This is probably the most positive boat-storing
and refinishing experience I have had since I started
boating and getting involved in the maintenance. Thanks
for the great service; I am sure you'll see us back next
year." -Mike
- RE: Mast Rigging - - - "Excellent
job on the rig as usual Dennis!" -Debbie M.
- RE: Rigging, Launch, Storage, & Service
- - - "Based on my observations this week [while
taking delivery of my new boat], I'll be staying at Eldean's.
The boat's launching & rigging were handled impressively.
You have cared for this boat very well. The Shipstore
staff were uniformly helpful. My wife & I will look
forward to seeing you each spring & fall & during
occasional summer visits." -George M.
- RE: Post Mac Race: Haulout, Loading, & Service
- - - "Thanks for Everything. Angela and all of Eldean's
staff ROCK! Everyone here is very friendly, courteous
and highly professional. An impressive boatyard and enjoyable
experience during our short (sleep-deprived) Stay. Thanks!
: ) " -Kurt F.
Storage - Peace of Mind |
- "Your crew did a fantastic job with haul-out, putting
my boat on her cradle, and in shrink-wrapping her. I really
appreciate that they took time to pay attention to the
details. The bottom looked like it had been scrubbed nice
and clean; even the boot stripe looked nice. In the past,
other yards have given her a once-over with a power sprayer,
but none did as thorough a job as your crew. In the past
I've had to spend a weekend scraping baby zebra mussels
off the rudder and out of the thru-hulls, and scrubbing
the slime off the boot stripe, but last Saturday I found
her clean and well cared-for. The boat looks to be very
securely blocked up in her cradle, eliminating any gaps
between hull and bunk boards (no yard has ever done that
for this boat before). Attention was given to rigging
and lines going through the shrink-wrap, the styrofoam
blocks placed under the shrink-wrap knots to protect the
hull paint from marks, the little air vents, and care
was taken to securely tie the wrap to the cradle. No one
has ever done this good of a job on shrink wrap for this
boat since I've owned her. I sincerely appreciate that
the same care and attention to detail was given to my
boat as was given to the bigger, more valuable boats.
Thanks much! Ken" (Z-20)
- "I sincerely wish to thank you and your staff for
the excellent care provided for our boat, your attitude,
the spirit of cooperation and accommodation. In my opinion,
I think your facility is one of the nicest on Lake Michigan
and I commend you for your attention to detail, cleanliness
and overall appearance of the marina. With Kindest Regards,"
- "I just wanted to convey how much I enjoy the launch
cam. I spend way too much time following the boat launches
and goings-on at the marina. We are looking forward to
another year at Eldeans and are looking forward to being
in the water. Sincerely, Bob" (D-37)
- Thanks Matt, As usual, the staff and service department
at Eldean's is second to none. You guys have been great
this year and your efforts have not gone unnoticed. I
tell everybody I know that Eldeans' is the "Best
on the Great Lakes". -Tim K.
"I just wanted to pass along my
thanks for the great job your men did in putting me
in the water last week. I am aware that it is no fun
to have the owner there watching everything so I try
my best to stay out of everyone's way. Never the less,
they were very courteous. It went smooth as always and
we are looking forward to a great summer with you. Thanks
again, Bob"
Restaurant |
- "The purpose of this note is to offer my sincere
appreciation for one of the most amazing, all-around dining
experiences that I have had a chance to enjoy. My daughter
and I ate at the Piper Restaurant on Saturday evening. It
was truly a top-10 dining experience for us. Our server
was Cali. She and the supporting service staff in the loft
were all very personable, knowledgeable, and on top of their
game. Our meal was phenomenal....I never would have imagined
that a fish as ugly as the Anglerfish could produce such
an amazing taste. My daugher had the Pallea and loved it....pretty
remarkable feat for an 11 year old. Please pass my thanks
to Pat and her staff for providing such a great experience
for a father and his daughter on Father's day weekend. Best
Regards, John" (E-18)